High Oleic Soybean Oil
High Oleic Soybean Oil benefits our health, the environment, the food industry and Michigan farmers.
Health Benefits:
High oleic soybean oil contains no trans-fat, lower saturated fats and 3x the amount of beneficial monosaturated fatty acids than standard vegetable oil. High oleic soybean oil is authorized by the FDA to be labeled a heart healthy oil due to its relationship to a reduced risk of coronary heart disease compared to other oil choices.
Environmental Benefits:
High oleic soybeans are grown by local soybean farmers using sustainable agricultural practices. The extended frying life of this oil also allows for fryer oil to be replaced less often, creating less oil waste.
Food Industry Benefits:
High oleic soybean oil has a neutral flavor and will not change the tase of food that is made with or fried in the oil. Thanks to its resistance to oxidation, high oleic oil has a long shelf life and is ideal for baked goods and other packaged food products.
Benefits for Michigan Farmers:
Michigan farmers that are interested in contracting to grow GMO or non-GMO high oleic soybeans can capture a premium, some ranging from $0.50 to $1.50 per bushel. Dairy farmers can also benefit by including high oleic soybean (meal or whole roasted beans) in their feed rations. Research shows that high oleic soybean inclusion in dairy diets can reduce the risk of milk fat depression.
Farmers can find local high oleic soybean elevators and processors by visiting https://www.unitedsoybean.org/high-oleic-soybeans/delivery-locations/
Michigan farmers that are interested in contracting to grow GMO or non-GMO high oleic soybeans can capture a premium, some ranging from $0.50 to $1.50 per bushel. Dairy farmers can also benefit by including high oleic soybean (meal or whole roasted beans) in their feed rations. Research shows that high oleic soybean inclusion in dairy diets can reduce the risk of milk fat depression.
Farmers can find local high oleic soybean elevators and processors by visiting https://www.unitedsoybean.org/high-oleic-soybeans/delivery-locations/
- Can be grown for a premium price when contracted with a local buyer or processor. Some premiums range between $0.50 cents to $1.50 per bushel.
- Find high oleic elevators and processors near you by visiting https://www.unitedsoybean.org/high-oleic-soybeans/delivery-locations/
- Reduced risk of milk fat depression with high oleic soy inclusion in feed rations
- Non-GMO and GMO varieties are available on the market
Growing high oleic soybeans:
In 2023, farmers had access to 15 different varieties of high oleic soybeans ranging from 1.9 to 4.8 maturity. High oleic soybeans offer comparable yields, achievable agronomic requirements and an existing marketing and logistics pipeline.
Comparable yields:
In 2023, farmers had access to 15 different varieties of high oleic soybeans ranging from 1.9 to 4.8 maturity. High oleic soybeans offer comparable yields, achievable agronomic requirements and an existing marketing and logistics pipeline.
Comparable yields:
- Pennsylvania field trials of Pioneer® Plenish high oleic soybeans between 2018 – 2020 found that Plenish soybeans yielded between 81.4 and 91.3 bushels/acre. The average soybean yield for this region in 2020 was between 46 and 57 (NASS).
- High oleic soybeans have the same germplasm as conventional soybean varieties meaning that they have the same agronomic characteristics.
- There are many weed control options for high oleic soybeans. Agronomists recommend applying a pre-emergence product and rotating products to mix up the modes of action and prevent herbicide resistance (Penn State University).
- Many processors across the Midwest have been contracting and processing high oleic soybeans for many years.
- Make sure to reach out to your local high oleic processor to discuss storage and trucking options for high oleic soybeans.